Visit Tideswell & District

Accommodation Listing Request

Please fill in a separate form for each individual property you wish to include on the Visit Tideswell website.
Type of Property
Please select all that apply

If you use an external site for bookings (e.g. Airbnb) it is possible to embed the booking calendar into external sites. Enter the calendar URL (it probably ends in .ics). Please contact your booking agent for details if you don't know where to find this.
Please send me the latitude and Longitude of your property (Visit, enter your address and copy and paste the result into the correct boxes

Please select all that apply and those you are legally allowed to show.
(I may ask you to send original files through if I can't source them myself.)

Please email to any images of your property you would like adding (maximum 7 - please indicate which one you'd like as the main image).

Please send full-size images (as they came off the camera), not cropped or small versions.